Your stories help raise awareness of the issues surrounding stillbirth and neonatal death, and also help other bereaved parents to understand that they are not alone.
Stillbirth - The Wall You are walking along fine with everyone else and the sun is shining and all is going ok and then you walk SLAM into a brick wall. And it hurts – really hurts. Read this story
Sam One year ago today was the happiest day of my life, my beautiful baby boy SAM was born. Read this story
Have You Ever? Have you ever stood and looked up into the clear night sky Wondering if your soul is out there dancing amid the countless others? Read this story
George Benjamin My due date was the 4th July 2008, I was so excited and organised for our second baby (another little boy, my Husband and I were thrilled). Read this story
Our Little Angel She was not ours for long She's up in heaven now Running, playing and singing songs And so my little angel This is written just for you To let you know Read this story
Lucie by her mum Helen We were thrilled to discover I was pregnant with our second child. After losing my father to cancer eight months earlier it brought us happiness after so much sadness. Read this story
Abigail by her mum Susan When I married in September 2001, at age 34, I was eager to begin trying for a family right away. Read this story