A final call for parents to submit photographs for the proposed 17 photo exhibition, and a special thanks and update to those who have already generously shown their support.
Read below for the latest round up of news from John on the planned 17 photo exhibition.
Since I last wrote to you there has been a steady trickle of photos sent in for consideration. In total there have been over 70 families that have contacted me offering to send in photos or ask about the exhibition. This has been an amazing and generous response and I have been so grateful to everyone who has shared their story with me with a view to making this exhibition happen. I now need to draw the submission period to a close and can I ask anyone who is still interested in submitting a photo to do so by Sunday 24th April. Once the 24th April has passed the very difficult job of selecting the photos will begin.
If you do send in a photo please could you also let me know the details surrounding your loss. The information that is particularly useful is the gestation/age of the baby, the reason for the loss (if known), whether you had children already when you suffered the loss and anything you can say about the photo (ie how it was taken (ie digital camera, mobile, etc), size of file when on the computer, when it was taken relative to the birth/death, etc).
All photos submitted will only be considered in the context of the exhibition and shared with Sands. It will also be necessary to show the photos to those assisting with preparing the exhibition (ie photo developers, gallery owners, etc). But your formal permission to use the photo for the exhibition will be sought from you if your photo is selected.
Sands have been extremely supportive of the exhibition since the beginning - in particular a big thank you to the constant and encouraging support of Erica Stewart. They have now agreed to play a big part in promoting the exhibition and in particular provide public relations expertise. As such we are trying to time the exhibition to coincide with other activities that Sands are undertaking and my current expectation is that it will take place later in the Autumn of this year - most likely November. I am also considering whether to hang the photos in a couple of places outside of London prior to this date so as to give everyone a chance to provide feedback before going any further.
I am still looking for a Central London venue. The main obstacle at the moment is the cost involved. Two weeks at a London gallery costs in the order of £7,000. Add on the costs of preparing the photos and a catalogue and there will not be much change from £10,000. There are cheaper venues available but not as accessible. The final decision will depend on availability, the amount of money I have been able to raise and how it might fit with other SANDS activities. I will know more in the next month or so. In the meantime anyone who can contribute even the smallest amount please do so at www.justgiving.com/17. So far around £1,100 has been very generously donated.
So just to repeat, if you are thinking about doing so I would be really grateful if you could submit your photos by Sunday 24th April for consideration. Once again, thank you to all for sharing your stories and photos with me and showing such interest in making this exhibition happen. If you have any questions whatsoever please do not hesitate to contact me jkemp(at)btinternet.com or call 0797 4353846.