Event Date

Gaddesden Home Farm
Hemel Hempstead
United Kingdom

Guaranteed Charity Place

If you would like to apply for one of our guaranteed Charity Places in return for your pledge to raise a minimum sponsorship of £300 for Sands, please get in touch on e: fundraising@uk-sands.org, t: 0845 652 0448 or send us a message on our Facebook page (www.facebook.com/sandscharity)!

Or to enter this event and secure your own place via the official entry system please click on the link above. Once you have had your place in this event confirmed please let us know so you can Join Team Sands.

Sponsorship Target

London North is a brand new course to 2018, featuring the unmistakable combination of classic obstacles and innovative challenges. You will face lung busting hills, woodlands, water and yes mud.... Lots and lots of mud....

The world famous Tough Mudder is known as the toughest event on the planet (probably!) Designed by the British Special Forces (Yes, The SAS) to test your physical strength, stamina and mental grit by running, walking, crawling and swimming your way round a 12 mile obstacle course.

The Tough Mudder is a challenge which prides camaraderie over finishing position. Whether running by yourself, with a friend or in a team. You will finish the day with tremendous feeling of achievement, self-belief, comradeship and the famous orange head band.

For being part of Team Sands you will receive:

• A fundraising pack

• Free Sands Fundraising T-shirt/running vest

• Fundraising advice from our team to help you achieve your target.

Your day at taking on the mud, will raise much needed money to help us prevent more babies from dying and meet the growing need for our support services.

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